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Forbes columns

Neighborhood Effects posts

State laws banning land sales to Chinese Government are un-American -- Magnolia Tribune

Pulling Up Stakes -  City Journal

Youngkin's Housing Start -  City Journal

Open to Experimentation - Issues in Science & Technology (w/ Neil Chilson)

Getting Back to Business - City Journal (w/ Russ Greene)

How Houston Achieved Lot-Size Reform - Planetizen

State Court Docket Watch: Normand v. - The Federalist Society

No, Mayors Can't Run the World - My review of Nation City by Rahm Emanuel - City Journal

Effective Public Policy Needs More Than Benefit-Cost Analysis - Colloquium (Rowman & Littlefield)

The SEC's Cryptic Wish to Smother Cryptocurrencies With Regulation - Real Clear Policy

Improve Government Data To Increase Transparency - James Madison Institute

Crony Capitalism Rears Its Ugly Head In Debate Over Nuclear, Coal Subsidies - Townhall

Florida needs more housing but government often gets in the way - Tallahassee Democrat

Bailing Out Coal and Nuclear Plants is Misguided - Power Magazine

Voters Said No in California, but Other States Have Rent Control Battles Looming - CITYLAB

The CRA shouldn't fund private businesses at all - Tallahassee Democrat

CRA should not subsidize Proof - Tallahassee Democrat

Let's Judge Larry Kudlow By His Performance, Not His Degree - The Bridge

How to make strong Florida economy even stronger - Orlando Sentinel

Strong jobs data usually means high wages--not this time - The Hill

When Cities Get In the Way - U.S. News and World Report

Labor market on road to recovery - Louisville Courier-Journal

Robots will improve our lives--if we let them - The Hill

Open the Gates - U.S. News and World Report

Ohio workers' retirement money is at risk - The Cincinnati Enquirer


Slow wage growth undermines skilled labor shortage - The Hill

Can economists save free trade? - U.S. News and World Report

Fewer regulations key to Scranton's revival - The Times-Tribune (Scranton, PA)

Regulations widen wealth inequality - FEE online

The biggest movers in state fiscal health - Real Clear Policy

Free speech is good for the economy - U.S. News and World Report

Help distressed people, not distressed cities - Real Clear Policy

Nonunion workers have to benefit to be free riders - The Orange County Register

Ignoring the adverse effects of the minimum wage may cost taxpayers billions - CAPX

Tax rates matter; Smarter taxes matter more - Real Clear Policy

Ohio's finances worse than they appear - The Cincinnati Enquirer

Labor Market Reform in France would Help Ease Muslim – non-Muslim Tension - SAIS Review of International Affairs

Profits are what drive the economy - Las Vegas Sun

The injustice of eminent domain - U.S. News and World Report

Rent control policies are ineffective, unjust - Washington Examiner

Saving Puerto Rico requires labor market reforms -

Flooding and bottom-up disaster relief -

Regulation stunts growth - USA Today

Taking control of rent control - Inside Sources

Is your state in poor fiscal health? - U.S. News and World Report

The Crony Capitalism of Job-Training Programs - Real Clear Policy

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as Capital Distortion Machines - Real Clear Markets

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